Monday, 6 July 2015

Ah! They don't write them like they used to...........

How often have you heard that (generally from an older generation)? I think I may have been guilty of such comments myself from time to time.
Yeah, they used to write wonderful songs. They also wrote a lot of dross. (A wop bop a loo bop a wop boom bang)
And poetry...........I'm a huge fan of Lord Byron, and I must admit to not really understanding this current trend for Japanese Haiku. I mean, it doesn't rhyme or even scan, so how is it poetry?
But just once in a while, there comes a song, or a poem that simply takes my breath away. It can even be a song where the lyrics are true poetry.
And then......................
Watching the TV, or rather listening to it while my husband watches it, comes this advert. A quiet voice singing a song that appears to have wonderful lyrics.
So I investigate, and I'm right. It's a band called 'Sleeping At Last', who I've never heard of, and I doubt that this song is representative of their general output, but the song is beautiful. It's moving. It's lyrical, and it's true poetry. Add to that, a simple uncluttered melody, and you have something that will stay with me always:

now read, and listen...............

Friday, 22 May 2015

Photoshop or not?

And does it really matter?

You know, sometimes you spot a picture on the internet that really moves you, for whatever reason. And you want to share it with your friends to enjoy, so you post it to FaceBook.

Before you get a chance to draw breathe, odds are someone will yell 'Photoshop!' Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. But does it really matter if the picture is genuine, or the concoction of somebody's imagination?

The picture was undoubtedly done for a reason, even if that reason is to fool people that it's real. Sometimes it's a tribute, such as this beautiful image of Marco Simoncelli, produced after his sad loss of life

Obviously a composed picture.

But what about this one, the shape of a spitfire shown in the clouds, which was published in the British press on the Commemoration of VE Day

Is it real? It would be a huge coincidence if it is. But does it matter? On such a day of remembrance, it is appropriate and respectful, and causes no harm to anyone.

Sometimes, it's not fake at all, but it may be something that people who haven't seen it in real life, can't believe exists.  Such as this one. People immediately yelled that it's fake. You can't possibly get that close to a fighter plane. Oh yes, you can. I've done it. The place is known as the Mach Loop in Wales. And you're so close to the planes flashing past, you can wave to the pilots and often get a cheery wave back.

But does it really matter? Surely the fact that the picture brings pleasure to others is enough? As long as it is not meant maliciously, or to pervert the course of justice or defraud, or to cause consternation, can't we just enjoy it for what it is?

So before you descry a picture as having been photoshopped, just think. Does it really matter? Or does the pleasure that picture is bringing to countless viewers far outweigh the fact that it might be fake.