Well, the Ole Man is currently riding a Honda VFR800X CrossRunner. Yes, after 5 years, he's finally sufficiently recovered from his injuries to ride a big bike again. Sadly though, at 72 years of age, this will probably be his last big bike, as he is finding the weight when manhandling it, is getting a bit too much, so later on, I expect him to go back to something like the CB500X. The difference this time, is that it will be his choice, not something forced on him by an inconsiderate car driver. In the meantime, this is it:
Now, I've mentioned Twinkle before - our little CB125F that we bought as a town runabout. Problem is, on sunny days, when we had nothing better to do, one or the other of us would take it out for a spin round the country lanes, and Romney Marshes.
Problem is, there are times when it would be nice if we could both go out for a lazy ride, and only one of us could at any one time. We looked at getting another CB125F, but then Honda threw a spanner in the works by introducing the Z125 Monkey. How could we resist? So, meet Chuckles:
A tiny package of bouncing energy and tremendous fun! Now the only arguments revolve around who's riding which bike!